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YouTube prank star Alexander Bok was participating in Ellen DeGeneres’ goofy #DanceDare challenge in NYC on Christmas Eve when it took a turn for the worst. Bok was dancing behind a cop who grew angry when he realized what was happening. Other officers ganged up on Bok and proceeded to frisk him, choke him, then toss him to the ground. When Bok got back up, it was clear he was shocked by their reaction, as bystanders stood by in bewilderment. It was all captured on video.

MUST READ: Black NYPD Cops Fear Other Officers When Off-Duty

In the audio, you can hear the cop aggressively ask Bok, “Are you f–king kidding me? What’s wrong with you?” Bok replied, “I’m dancing.” The cop asked, “What are you dancing in the street for?”

Bok released the video that exposes the hostility of the police. There has been no comment from Ellen or “The Ellen Show.”


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YouTube Star Thrown To The Ground By NYPD After Doing Ellen DeGeneres’ #DanceDare  was originally published on