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One father has put his foot down after catching his daughter trying to act way too grown-up for her age.

So many kids are in a rush to be adults that they do everything they can seem older. However, one little girl’s plot to run with the big kids has been shut all the way down by her irate father.

Kevin Jones of Louisville, Kentucky, was flabbergasted when he found out that his 10-year-old daughter Janiya had been telling people she was in her teens and dating older boys! After overcoming the initial shock, though, he immediately put his little girl’s (emphasis on little) entire game on blast.

As punishment for her deception, he sent her to school wearing a t-shirt that had her real age emblazoned across the front. He also made her put huge barrettes in her hair, and he had her complete the look by carrying a Sofia the First backpack. The entire (age appropriate) look literally screamed that she’s 10 years old.

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To explain her get up, Kevin then posted pictures of her in that get-up on his Facebook page with a caption explaining what she’d done. “My beautiful daughter Janiya wants to be grown & lie about her age,” he wrote. “Saying she is 14,15,16,&18 years old. She claims to be in love and going out with a boyfriend which is completely against my rules!”

With that, he presented the pictures of Janiya stating, “Heres the consequences behind her actions. An age defining shirt. Yes people she is 5’9 & 10years old.”

As of press time, more than 179,000 people had liked the post, which has also been shared 66,000 times. This is incredibly embarassing, but it might be worse than getting spanked.


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Father Puts 10-Year Old Daughter On Blast On Facebook For Lying About Her Age  was originally published on