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Tiffany Bacon AfroSo many women are rocking their natural hair short, long, big, small, loc’d and free. Every woman, or man, has a myriad of options when it comes to natural hair styles to keep them stylish and chic. Unfortunately, some people believe that having a “natural” hair style means that your hair become low maintenance. That is a bold faced lie. Natural black can hair require just as much time and care as processed hair, especially if it hangs past the ears. It’s important to take great care of your hair no matter how you choose to wear it. Here are two of five tips on taking care of your natural hair:

Keep your hair moisturized. Our hair is naturally dry which means we have to do that much more to keep it moisturized. The best way to do that is by using water. Yes, water. It is a natural moisturizer. However, after applying water to your hair, you should use an OIL based sealant. You can use argan oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil. The choice is yours.

Seal your ends. Make sure you seal your ends with an oil after applying daily products. Your ends need extra attention to prevent breakage.

If you would like to learn the other tips for having healthy natural hair CLICK HERE.