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Philadelphia Police are investigating an incident that occurred on January 7th, 2014. The incident involved an African-American teenage boy named Darrin Manning, and a female officer from the Philadelphia Police District. The young man, who attends Mathematics Civics and Science Charter School, was getting off the subway with his basketball teammates when he was confronted by several police officers. Officials are still trying to piece together what happened, after Manning’s attorney reported that Manning’s testicles’ allegedly burst after being frisked and searched by a female police officer. Despite the criminal charges Darrin Manning has against him, he has the right to a civil law suit. Manning’s mother and school officials describe Manning as an intelligent student who never had to be reprimanded for misbehaving and has no record with the law.

This story is very disturbing to think that someone would have the courage to act in a manner that would cause severe damage to someone’s private area. In no way does a young man, or any individual regardless of their race, class, or gender deserve this. What may have began as racial profiling turned into a mother watching her son suffer in pain requiring hospitalization and extreme surgery.

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This story has sparked some controversy among members in the community. Comments from individuals following the story show that some think there are police officers that are “thin-skinned and hypersensitive,”  taking their job to an extreme level affecting the lives of what could possibly be just innocent people. Although many people are unaware of the full details behind this story, people have formulated their own strong opinions based on the information known to the public. It will be interesting to see the where this horrible incident will end.

Should the police officer who injured the boy be arrested for sexual assault? Should she be fired? Let’s talk. Take our poll below…

words by: Jade Thompson



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