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Dear Tom,

All I can say about my mother Teri is that she’s always putting others in front of herself. Like, she works two jobs and goes to school so that my sister and me can have a good life.

Just recently, she had to put aside paying some bills so she could send me to my prom. Although I really wanted to go, I didn’t want to burden her but she said that prom only happens once.

Then a few months ago, when it was cold, a school teacher friend of hers told her that some of her students would come to school because they didn’t have a coat. So my mom went out and did a coat drive and even went out and bought some coats out of her own pocket.  right now, she is collecting backpacks and school supplies for the upcoming school year.

I know she works hard and I wish she could take a few days off so she could take a vacation. One of her jobs is a “fun job” as event coordinator for the Eagles – and she is their biggest fan.

She was talking about taking a trip to see the Tampa game on October 13th because she is off the next day for Columbus Day. Her birthday is coming up on July 22nd. I would really love for my mom to get away and have some fun.


Aigne McCraw-Soulliard


Thursday Morning Mom: Teri Solliard  was originally published on