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Are you tired of soaking up the sun on the beach or gliding down the slopes of snow-covered mountains, yeah I know totally boring. You want something new, something exciting, maybe even a little dangerous. Welcome to the wonderful world of vacation ideas that don’t suck

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If vacationing on the beach or a day of surfing is a little too “typical” for you then you should try something a little more thrilling like sandboarding. Sandboarding was first made popular in Ancient Egypt when sliding down huge sand dunes on pieces of pottery was considered a blast. But wait, it gets more intense; you would think that it was as simple as sliding down a hill in a tube or surfboard type of contraption, right? Wrong. There are actually obstacle courses set up and proper equipment to be used and people actually do this quite often. These sandboarding parks are not only in the middle East and Africa, they’re in brazil, Peru and get this, even Oregon. You don’t even have to leave the U.S. to take part in this exotic sporting vacation.


The Entertainment Capital of the World, most of us know it as Las Vegas, the most popular city in the state of Nevada. Though Vegas is covered in magnificent resorts and casinos most people are now attracted to the new zipline attraction located in the center of Fremont Street in downtown Vegas. This new feature, hosted by Greenheart, runs 800ft horizontally and 70ft vertically. It goes about 25 miles per hour with the ability to adjust speed based on body position. Could you image flying in the mist of all the lights and glitz on this busy Vegas street? I couldn’t.

Gorilla Safari

Are you a fan of Planet of the Apes, no? Me either, but this vacation is literally to die for; in Uganda’s Impenetrable Forest you can embark on a Gorilla Safari. Amazing, right? The gimmick is that it will take a better part of the vacation traveling to get to the safari. First you have to find your way to Uganda, once you get there you will meet with a group in it’s coastal town of Entebbe. There you will catch a plane to Kibale Forest National Park and take an 11 day hike in Uganda’s forests catching glimpses of elephants, lions and of course gorillas. You’ll trek through the forest in the typical safari vehicle and get an up-close and personal look at the average King Kong while enduring the utmost camping experience.

Exploring the Wreck of the Titanic

Want a love story like Jack and Rose? Well, visiting the RMS Titanic won’t get you that but it will fulfill your lifelong dream of being 400 miles off the coast of Newfoundland(middle of nowhere) and being carried down 2.5 miles in the Atlantic Ocean by either of the only submarines capable of making the journey MIR I or II. This would make you one of the few that has gotten an exclusive look at the Titanic wreckage that is not a scientist. Woah, right? Sometimes, I forget that that movie was even based on a true story let alone that it has such a remarkable, historical landmark.

Cage diving with Sharks

Are you a daredevil? Do you live to take risks? Guessing your favorite movie is Jaws, I advice you to consider the journey to dive with the sharks. Don’t worry, it’s completely safe. You have two options, either a traditional dive or a soft cage dive. The traditional dive is done in a huge, heavy metal cage that is set in an area in the ocean where the traffic for Great White Sharks is great with sharks coming as close as one foot away from you. The other option is the soft cage dive; this is extremely safe. You are set in your soft cage(normal wire cage) in an area with high traffic of smaller, safer sharks such as Tiger sharks. These sharks aren’t interested in ripping through your flesh but are after schools of small fish. Sometimes you can actually get out of the cage and swim with your sharp tooth friends. Hopefully a Jaws re-enactment won’t be in the future.

words by: @kidkaitie

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