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The “Get Your Kids” segment of my show usually endorses the inspiring endeavors of individuals, community leaders, and whole communities whose goal is to serve our children. In discussing the dangers our kids face, however, we tend to lose sight of the good our children do for themselves, others, and in Anaiah Rucker’s case, for her sister.

Anaiah Rucker in a truly incredible display of love rescued her 5-year-old sister Camry from a being hit by a truck and in the process lost her own leg.

One wet and rainy morning as Anaiah and Camry were trying to catch the school bus, a pick up truck came barreling towards them. With only seconds to react, Anaiah pushed Camry out of the way and took the brunt of the hit.

Anaiah almost died from her injuries, both legs were broken, and unfortunately the left leg had to be amputated; she also had a broken neck, spleen damage and lost a kidney.

“I love her more than anything,” Anaiah explains. “I pushed my sister out of the way so she wouldn’t get hit. I thought she was too young,” she adds. “She’s my sister. I love her.”

“If she got hit and I didn’t, I wouldn’t have nobody beside me,” said Anaiah.

Truly inspiring.

-Lady B