Looking for a new job is stressful for many reasons. If you are currently employed, yet searching for a new opportunity, nine times out of…

Don’t let stress get to you! Not only does it make you feel frustrated and anxious, it can actually cause sicknesses. Doing yoga and meditating…

So many women are superwomen, juggling countless tasks, acting as the family’s all-around go-to person, and making sure that everybody stays as happy and healthy…

The issue of blacks and weight management continues to be a problematic topic. Studies say that four out of five black women are overweight or…

Have you found yourself spending more lone time lately? If so, you may want to invite a friend out to coffee or a movie or…

It is no secret that work can be the catalyst for many stressors in our lives. Demanding work hours, toxic co-workers, environmental issues and work/life…

Everybody stresses. It’s just a fact of life. However, while a little stress can actually help keep you focused, too much of it doesn’t do…

It’s a normal feeling – for instance, maybe you just spent all week on the run and haven’t had any time to breathe. However, even…

Dishing dirt behind someone’s back is a beneficial activity, say scientists. Spreading gossip—defined as alerting others that a person has behaved badly—helps maintain social order and even lowers the stress of the gossiper, according to a new study out of UC Berkeley and reported by the San Francisco Chronicle. Researchers set up experiments involving people cheating […]

How do you bring yourself back from burnout? Read on for advice. There’s no specific medical disorder called burnout, but every doctor knows that prolonged…

Tyra Banks definitely has a lot on her plate, but she recently complained about having much less on her plate. Via MSNBC Tyra Banks definitely…

It’s a new year and a great time to think about what really makes you happy. What motivates you? What are your career goals? Relationship…