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Turner, Tina - Saengerin, USA

Source: ullstein bild / Getty

Tina Turner has a new memoir, My Love Story. It comes out on October 16th. The book highlights her successful music career and the very low points of her marriage to Ike Turner. In the book she writes that Ike Turner, wasn’t handsome.

“Ike wasn’t conventionally handsome, actually, he wasn’t handsome at all — and he certainly wasn’t my type. I was used to high school boys who were clean-cut, athletic, and dressed in denim, so Ike’s processed hair, diamond ring, and skinny body looked old to me, even though he was only 25. I couldn’t help thinking, ‘God, he’s ugly.’”

She said that Ike was smart. Because he played guitar, he never struck her with his hand. He always used an object to strike her with. Ike and Tina got married in a quick ceremony in Tijuana and spent their wedding night at a whorehouse! She admits in the book that she contemplated suicide. She convinced her doctor to write her a prescription for sleeping pills. She took all 50 pills at once. When she woke up she was unhappy to still be alive but believed that she was meant to survive. Here she is explaining why she has decided to do this book now.